HitchHiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

As you can imagine, I have a smile on my face this month…

The long-awaited Hitchhiker’s movie appeared in the UK a couple of days ago. OK – so it’s different to the book, radio series and TV show, some of the cast are a little unexpected, and the less said about the Trillian love triangle, the better – but it’s actually a rather good film. Plenty for fans like me to get their teeth into, and good enough to get the interest of those not aware of the Douglas Adams legacy.

I’m slighly more excited about something else due in May – the fourth series of the Hitch-Hiker’s radio series (3rd May, 6:30pm on Radio 4). Oh, and there’s a H2G2 exhibition in central London at the end of the month too. It’s at times like this, I wish I’d listened to what my mum told me…

Some H2G2 links at www.radioandtelly.co.uk/hitchhikers.html